
Engine Accessories

Engine Accessories

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Coil Relocater Kit

Top of recoil coil mount

10-32 Hose Barb

Brass fitting

10-32 Plug

Brass fitting

17" Starter Belt

starter belt
$10.95 $8.95

19" Starter Belt

starter belt
$11.95 $9.50

90 Degree Water Fitting

Hi-flow 10-32 fitting

Ball Connector

Aluminum 4-40 ball connector

Billet Bellcrank

Aluminum belcrank

Bolt Kit

Stainless steel bolt kit

Carburetor Arm

Billet carb arm

Carburetor Needle Clamp

Billet aluminum needle clamp anodized black

Collet / Super Collet

1/4" Super Collet

Copper Exhaust Gasket

Copper Exhaust Gasket
$7.95 $6.25

EZ Start Recoil Kit

easy start recoil kit

Flywheel Nut

Standard flanged flywheel nut used for seating the flywheel correctly . Then remove and install your recoil drive dog or pulley .

Hi-Performance Coil

Our version of the high performance coil for the Zenoah based engines . Our testing has shown low & mid range performance improvement . Much stronger spark than original coil . Mount to hull stringer / run ground wire to engine case / plug in source coil lead / cut plug wire to length / thread into coil opening and you're ready to go . Sold with wiring / mounting bolts & bracket . Optional without bracket & bolts .